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Squish meez smooth eez sugar ball

Squish meez smooth eez sugar ball

Regular price £2.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £2.00 GBP
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Introducing the Squish Meez Smooth-eez ball, the perfect stress reliever for all senses. This ball is designed to provide a soothing and calming effect on the user, making it an ideal tool for relieving stress and anxiety.


The Squish Meez Smooth-eez ball comes in assorted colors, providing a variety of options for the user to choose from. This allows the user to select a color that suits their preference or mood.


The ball is suitable for all sensory needs, making it a versatile tool for anyone looking to relieve stress. Whether you need a ball that provides a tactile experience or one that offers a visual element, the Squish Meez Smooth-eez ball has got you covered.


In summary, the Squish Meez Smooth-eez ball is a must-have for anyone looking to relieve stress and anxiety. With its soothing and calming effect, assorted colors, and suitability for all sensory needs, this ball is the perfect tool for anyone looking to relax and unwind.

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